Thursday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time

In the old black and white cowboy films, you may have noticed that the good guys wore white hats, and the bad guys wore black hats.  Wouldn’t it be nice if it were so cut and dried when we read a passage like we heard in the first reading from the Letter of St. James?  How are we to identify who the “rich” are?  Is there a certain income level that one needs to pass in order to be called rich?  Or maybe those who live in large houses qualify for St. James’ harsh words?  Or perhaps he is referring to riches other than money: different “treasures” that we are tempted to place above God.

If we were to think about it long enough, we would all be able to identify various riches that we have hoarded, or valuables that we have sought to withhold from Our Lord.  Perhaps we spend our time and talents in ways that cut us off from God.  Or maybe we set our daily priorities without thinking about how we will guard our spiritual lives.  Perhaps we allow other loves to take over, to the point where we justify some form of sin or failing in our lives.

Now this can sound depressing, but as always there is good news as well.  Once we acknowledge that we may be the ones St. James is speaking to, then we have the privilege of putting on something far better than a white cowboy hat.  We can put on Jesus Christ himself.

When we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, we become united to him in a very real way.  In a sense, we are caught up in his life, even as he binds himself to us more deeply.  And so, when we approach the altar to receive Holy Communion, let us be open and expectant.  Imagine what it would be like to finally be free of every false treasure that has a hold on our hearts.  Imagine the peace, joy, and sense of purpose that can fill our lives.  Let us try our best to surrender all of our riches to him.

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