Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time

As a species we are becoming increasingly aware of our interdependence with all life forms on this planet: on land, in the sea, in the air.  How we value and respect these creatures, from micro-organisms, to the largest of the whales, affects the whole future of the planet, the inheritance we leave to the generationsContinue reading “Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time”

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have you ever woken up in the morning, and before you’ve finished washing and dressing you find yourself humming a tune?  It might be a golden oldie from before the charts were ever thought of, or perhaps a hymn, or a tune from your favourite musical.  The strange thing is that for the rest ofContinue reading “8th Sunday in Ordinary Time”

Saturday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time

If you’ve ever tried to reach someone important without an appointment, then you know how difficult it can be.  The Apostles acted a bit like executive aides when they turned away the parents who brought their children to Our Lord for a special blessing.  According to the Apostles, these children were too insignificant to meritContinue reading “Saturday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time”

Friday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time

I often speak about seeing the bigger picture.  Perspective can make all the difference.  For example, looking down from an upstairs window, you may see only the green plants and bushes merging with other plants in the garden.  And yet those same plants, viewed from below, reveals a completely different picture.  These plants and bushesContinue reading “Friday of Week 7 in Ordinary Time”

Saint Peter’s Chair

Shortly after I was ordained, I got friendly with a couple in the parish, and my first visit to their home happened to fall on today’s feast; and the husband, who was a Protestant, joyfully told me how stupid Catholics were for worshipping a piece of furniture.  Sadly, the Catholic wife, didn’t have enough knowledgeContinue reading “Saint Peter’s Chair”

Saturday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time

When we entered the religious life, one of the first lessons we learn as a postulant is that while we are all basically the same in wanting to live our lives in a particular way, no matter how long we persevere as religious, as individuals we remain unique.  And this uniqueness can be a causeContinue reading “Saturday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time”

Bl. John of Fiesole, O.P.

Today we honour the memory of Blessed John of Fiesole, better known to the world as the celebrated renaissance artist Fra Angelico – the angelic friar – whose paintings continue to inspire feelings of religious devotion in those who see them.  Blessed John served in several leadership positions within the Order, and Pope Eugenius IVContinue reading “Bl. John of Fiesole, O.P.”

Thursday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time

Napoleon Bonaparte is credited with having said: “From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a single step.”  Considering today’s gospel we might say that Peter certainly takes that step, and we might add that he slipped on a banana skin along the way.  In an almost comical transition, Peter moves so quickly from hisContinue reading “Thursday of Week 6 in Ordinary Time”