Monday of Week 8 in Ordinary Time

As a species we are becoming increasingly aware of our interdependence with all life forms on this planet: on land, in the sea, in the air.  How we value and respect these creatures, from micro-organisms, to the largest of the whales, affects the whole future of the planet, the inheritance we leave to the generations that come after us.  In an even more incredible way, our interaction with the risen Christ affects our everlasting inheritance.

Saint Peter tells us in the first reading that through the Resurrection of Christ, our lives have new meaning.  Just as God raised Jesus from the dead, God also gives us a new life in Baptism.  Through the power of this new life, we find all our encounters changed and charged with the life of Christ.

Now we don’t have to be an expert in biology to appreciate the havoc that can occur when a rain forest is destroyed.  And we don’t have to have a degree in theology to know that our love for all those we encounter today, in spite of all our difficulties, gives us a doorway to true Christian joy.  Saint Peter encourages us to give praise, glory, and honour to our Creator.  The best way to do this is to reverence not only all human life but all life that surrounds us.

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